Web Development

Let's make your ideas come to life

Computers images
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About me

Hi there! I'm a Mechanical Engineer student, from Rosario, Argentina. I'm also a big time nerd and gamer. I love to learn stuff online, and I recently started to dive into Web Development and Artificial Intelligence, skills I would like to put into practice on some real projects.

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My projects

Used technologies:




Open Project!

INDIV Technical Service

Description: This is the layout of a form that is used to register the work done during a technical visit to a poultry farm.

Observations: This project was made for the company INDIV SA, to help the comunication between the technical department, and the production office..

Used technologies:


Open Project!


Description: This is an online coding environment, where you can write your own HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, and check out the document they form together. When you change something in one of the files, you see instantly how this changes the final document.

Observations: This project was made as a coding challenge for the course "The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0", and the objective was to use and practice jQuery.

Used technologies:


Open Project!

Reaction Tester

Description: This is a mini game, that test your reaction to click an image after it appears. The image pop on a random location (inside the game board), after a random time (no more than 2 seconds), and has a random color and size each time it appears.

Observations: This project was made as a coding challenge for the course "The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0", and the objective was to use and practice JavaScript and Random Generators.

Used technologies:



Open Project!

TensorFlow - tf.random_uniform

Description: This is a document that explains how to use a method that comes in the Python library TensorFlow. This library is for programming deep neural networks. This specific method generates random numbers that follow a uniform distribution.

Observations: This document was made by me, to help me while I was studying. My idea is to write a number of similar documents, and make a blog directed to people that want to learn deep neural networks and TensorFlow.

Get in touch!

Do you want to make a website? Do you a have a project in mind? Do you want to talk about something or just know more about me?

Please don't hesitate on writing me an email, it will be my pleasure to know you! See you around!


